(Editor’s note: This is a first in a series on the associations that came together to create SIAC. They include SIA, ESA, CSAA and CANASA. This week we will focus on SIA. We thank all four for their ongoing contributions in multiple ways to the electronic security industry.)
The Security Industry Association (SIA) is one of four major associations that came together to help form SIAC. The others include the Electronic Security Association (ESA), Central Station Alarm Association (CSAA) and Canadian Alarm Association (CANASA). SIA covers the manufacturing side of the house, ESA the systems integrators, CSAA supports monitoring businesses, and CANASA is our Canadian partner.
Each provides unique and important services to their members. SIA, which has a worldwide focus, protects and advances their member’s interests by:
• advocating pro-industry policies and legislation on Capitol Hill and throughout the 50 states;
• producing leading-edge global market research;
• creating open industry standards that enable integration;
• advancing industry professionalism through education and training; and
• opening global market opportunities.
We’d like to focus on two of these in terms of how specifically SIA helps us on alarm management standards — their work on industry standards and advancing industry professionalism. Both of these activities are important when it comes to improving how our industry sets and follows technical standards and specifications, and then trains and educates employees to effectively install and service security systems.
Like football, it’s the fundamentals that make things go for an electronic security system company. You must be able to block well to move the ball on offense, and tackle properly on defense to stop the opponent. When it comes to your business, strong standards must be developed for the equipment we use, so that it is of the highest quality. That’s basic stuff, just like blocking and tackling.
Similarly, training your people is how you build a strong customer base and continue to develop it. If your people are up-to-date on training requirements, your customers will get the best service possible from your technicians. Again, that’s the blocking and tackling necessary for your team to succeed.
SIA does much more, from its pro-industry support on policies and legislation at the federal and state levels to the research they provide on critical issues. Check out their web site for more information: http://www.siaonline.org/Pages/AboutSIA/Mission.aspx.
SIAC thanks SIA for all its contributions to our industry, and the direct support they provide us. SIA has contributed $1.8 million to SIAC over the past twelve years, and we want to offer them a HUGE thank you! We appreciate their continuous involvement.