Major award applications have just come out. Applications for the NSA and IACP Awards are now available.  If your company is partnering with law enforcement in your community you should consider filling out the simple application and submitting it as instructed below.  The agency and your company will be publicly recognized with an article and a press release. Great exposure for you and the law enforcement agency!

 The NSA Sheriff/Private Security Partnership Award, and in addition to SIAC’s sponsorship, is also sponsored by TMA – The Monitoring Association. The award recognizes the partnership between a Sheriff’s Office and a private sector partner. Learn more here:

The NSA award deadline is January 28, and for more information, you may contact Ross Mirmelstein at 703.838.5321.

  The IACP/Security Industry Association (SIA – Security Industry Association) Michael Shanahan Leadership in Public/Private Cooperation Award looks for the following in its submissions: outstanding achievement in the development and implementation of public/private cooperation in public safety. The award recognizes partnerships between law enforcement agencies and private industries that have collaborated to build community trust and enhance public safety.

 For further information on the IACP/SIA Award, go to:  SIAC encourages you to share this information with other sources to consider participating and submitting for these awards.