As the number of calls increase that go to the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) in cities across North America, it is becoming more and more clear of the need for new ways to refine the process to protect public safety. SIAC has become very involved in this issue...
When Fees Rise
No one wants their fees or taxes to rise, no one! That being said, given the current economic difficulties facing most municipal governments, the rationale driving increases must be powerful. In Los Angeles recently, the city council approved increases in fines for...
Is Robocop Far Off?
You have to wonder if “Robocop” is far off when you read a news account that the Virginia Port Authority plans to replace the majority of its 71-officer sworn police force with contract security guards. For those whose memory doesn’t go back to 1987, the film stars a...
This week, the Pueblo City Council in Colorado will vote on their alarm ordinance. Without going deeply into the particulars of what we hope will emerge, we want to talk with you about that dreaded word – “process.” In this case, it’s the process of how we’ve gotten...
The Fire Alarm Difference
In the Electronic Security Association’s (ESA) newest issue of Newsline, their quarterly publication, fire compliance issues are addressed by Mark Matlock of United Central Control. While his guest column does not specifically address inadvertent fire alarms, his...
In the public arena field SIAC operates in, we can’t ramrod our positions into policies or laws. Unlike operating a business, where you can stake a claim through a better service or product, decisions involving multiple parties at the table require persuasion. Getting...
A Guard Company Wedding To An Integrator
We’re a supporter of sworn officer first response to alarms. We’ve held that view for many years because that is what citizens expect and the vast majority of law enforcement leaders agree. We continue to educate all parties on methods for reducing those unnecessary...
Outsourcing Alarm Administration
Third party administration or “outsourcing” of alarm management programs for local governments is not an issue we take a position on. We definitely see advantages to police departments or a city running the program themselves, and there are pluses to hiring a private...
Time Wasters vs. Time Savers
We’re all for saving time. Though the goal of the model ordinance is not specifically to save time, it is one of its benefits. Police departments are looking to save time, which leads to better resource allocation, and ultimately improved public protection. Detroit,...
A Window Of Opportunity With Insurers
The premise of alarm systems is deterrence. Over the years, insurance companies have recognized this benefit and offered discounts to homes and businesses installing security systems. This not only helped the electronic security industry, but also reduced costs for...