We don’t live in a vacuum. Our lives, the work world, and technology are always changing, sometimes slowly, sometime quite rapidly. It may seem like the technologies we employ in the electronic security industry to deter crime are the same as they were 10 years ago....
Cuts Result In Resetting Priorities
Budget cuts result in resetting priorities. That applies to your family, your company, or a government entity. In this, our third installment addressing reductions in municipal and county budgets and specifically police departments and sheriff’s offices, we’ll examine...
Viability Of Our Public Infrastructure (Ct’d)
Cuts to local government budgets are affecting infrastructure. This is not just about police enforcement and fire departments. It’s fundamentally about a change (perhaps short-term, perhaps longer) in how these services are delivered. As we discussed last week, this...
Long-Term Law Enforcement Viability
The recent IACP-SACOP (International Association of Chiefs of Police-State Associations of Chiefs of Police) meeting in Atlantic City, NJ, was both heartening and frightening -- heartening because SIAC and the security industry continued to build stronger...
Reaching Out To Churches
It’s a reality in our business that unwanted alarms occur far too frequently at government facilities, schools and churches. There are several reasons for this: Many different people may be responsible for turning on and off the system; someone new may have just...
Eau Claire, Duluth and Union City
A couple of weeks back, we gave some examples of progress on the alarm management front in several key cities across the U.S. SIAC was directly engaged in those cases. We’re proud of this, but also proud when the electronic security industry takes step to do the right...
City Councils Matter
City councils matter. When communities across the country pursue Verified Response (VR) or other onerous actions that affect security companies, it’s typically the elected officials where our industry can have the most impact. When it does come down to a city council...
Three Shining Examples
As different campaigns develop across the country that require our involvement – Vancouver, WA and Avondale, AZ being two recent cases – it’s important to remember the shining success examples we have. Too often we hear about a new tactic that is designed to remove...
What Would It Be Like To Win A Top Industry Award?
What would it be like to win a top industry award? What is it worth to your company in terms of marketing or sales? You may not have thought of this angle. But, given the benefits, it’s an important reason to apply for our Police Dispatch Quality (PDQ) Award – given...
The Newest RMR
Ron Walters, our trusty SIAC cutting-edge speaker, has an interesting take on how electronic security companies can increase their recurring monthly revenue (RMR). Oddly enough (with our tongue firmly planted in cheek), his take also has an angle for reducing those...