
Security Industry Consolidation and SIAC

It’s that time of year to think back and project forward. SIAC continued successfully serving the electronic security industry on multiple fronts in 2017, including: 1) Continuing to remove provisions in ordinances that would bill alarm companies for their customers...

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SIAC Pushing Legal Action in Sandy Springs, GA

SIAC is engaged in pushing legal action against Sandy Springs, GA for its alarm ordinance that forces security companies to pay for its customers’ fines. Surrounding jurisdictions pay close attention to these types of activities, both good and bad. The goal for the...

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Former SIA CEO Richard Chace Passes Away

The former CEO of the Security Industry Association (SIA), Richard Chace, passed away recently in China from complications of contracting rabies. You may have already heard that news, but we felt it incumbent to share a bit about Richard’s commitment to the security...

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On the Front Lines of False Alarms

When EPS Security won this year’s Police Dispatch Quality (PDQ) award, it spoke to their diligence not only in the programs they implement on the front lines, but also determination to keep applying for the award when they hadn’t won it in previous years. That stood...

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Florida Police Chiefs Honor SIAC’s Glen Mowrey

Another police chief’s association has honored SIAC’s Glen Mowrey. These awards say a lot about the ongoing good work Glen performs across the country, most recently in the sunshine state, for building good relationships between the electronic security industry and...

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Harvey and Irma: NOT a Television Show

Harvey and Irma sounds the title of a TV comedy show. We know it’s not. Unless you’ve just returned from the moon, you know they are the biggest one-two punch of hurricanes in history to hit the mainland of the United States.   We know the devastation on a...

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