Policing techniques, like businesses and technology, continue evolving. It’s easy to get stuck in a mentality that “things have always gone this way, so they’re going to continue to go this way.” That’s not anyone’s reality in 2012. Police continually look at new ways...
CSAA Votes One-Time Donation to SIAC Of $25,000
As we enter our open season for SIAC supporters to step up, we wanted to thank some early arrivers. In particular, the CSAA Executive Committee voted unanimously during ESX in Nashville, TN, to authorize a one-time donation to SIAC of $25,000. SIAC thanks them for...
Los Angeles Calls Drop 60% on False Dispatches
False dispatch calls to alarms dropped in Los Angeles by 60% from 2003-2011. That’s great news for the electronic security industry, not just for the city and state. Why? The city sets many trends. We’re tremendously encouraged about this one because stopping response...
Doing Business The Right Way
There are right and wrong ways to do business. Not everyone would agree on how that applies to alarm companies, but there are some simple standards that we believe should be followed. They ensure you install, service and monitor security systems at the highest quality...
Colorado Law Targets Mass Thefts At Retail Stores
A new law in Colorado targets criminal organizations that steal from stores in bulk to sell the goods illegally—an enterprise that costs state retailers an estimated $500 million a year. The bill stiffens penalties for triggering false alarms at stores, or preventing...
Family Robbed After Teen Posts Photo Of Money On Facebook
Here at SIAC, we’ve made the point about the value of social media, and how it can help us expand our message. For electronic security companies, social media provides marketing and sales opportunities. But like any new tool, there are potential downsides. In a recent...
Practice Forgetting So We Can Move Forward
This may sound heretical, but bare with us. Sometimes we need to forget about the past so we can successfully solve problems. That applies to alarm management solutions. We were recently reading a leadership story in a top business publication. The topic was about...
Police Using Twitter and Facebook To Fight Crime
Police departments across the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area are adopting social media tools to fight crime, according to a front page story in Sunday’s (May 20) Fort Worth Star Telegram. SIAC stepped into the social media arena almost two years ago to spread our...
So much of what SIAC does and accomplishes in its quest to support the electronic security industry rests on our credibility. If people don’t believe us, we are toast. If they do believe us, trust in our facts and reputation, than we have a powerful opportunity to do...
BBB Warning On Sales Tactics
We weigh in on a lot of issues. Most of them you can see the direct tie to improving alarm management practices. Sometimes the connection is more subtle. The Wichita Falls, TX, Better Business Bureau (BBB) is warning about summer sales tactics for alarm systems,...