Another community in Georgia – Fayetteville – is implementing an abbreviated version of the model ordinance. It’s one worked to put together with the Georgia Chiefs of Police (GACP), and has proven successful elsewhere in the state. SIAC’s Glen Mowrey has been...
Making Things More Complicated Than They Should Be
One of the questions SIAC has to ask itself as an organization is whether we make things more complicated than they should be. Implicit in this question is: How do we best do our job for the electronic security industry? Part of the answer to that lies in supplying...
Illinois Shows The Benefits Of Public Involvement
Here at SIAC, we consistently tout the benefits of electronic security companies knowing what is going on in their community, and getting involved with elected officials and police departments. We advance our presence, build good relationships and enhance public...
A New Year’s Gift From ESA
We went to thank the Electronic Security Association (ESA) for selecting one of our blogs as a “Top Ten” story of 2011 in their online newsletter, the “ESA Integrator.” It’s an honor to be selected. We’re pleased that the issues we cover have a wide application in the...
Seventh Year For The Police Dispatch Quality Award
We’re entering the seventh year for the Police Dispatch Quality (PDQ) award. Wow! It seems like yesterday that we started on this journey, working with co-sponsors Honeywell and Security Sales and Integration magazine, along with the Installation Quality (IQ) program...
Two Hot Spots
We’d love to able to say we’re starting 2012 on an upswing, that every community in America is safe, and all alarm systems are being managed effectively. But as reality would have it, that’s not the case. As seems to happen during the holiday season more than...
Thanks At The End Of The Year
We’ll be battening down the hatches over Christmas and New Year’s, so we wanted to close 2011 with a strong THANK YOU to all our contributors and sponsors. You are the reason we’re able to serve the electronic security industry so effectively year-in and year-out. We...
Thoughts From The CAA Winter Convention
As we close in on the end of the year, you start to pull together thoughts, some general and some specific, on how things have gone. With the California Alarm Association meeting just concluded in San Francisco, it always gives a touch of finality to the year, and...
User Error Training On SIAC Web Site
When it comes to false dispatches, user error continues to be a thorn in the side of electronic security companies, and our relationships with law enforcement. Because user error is a major contributor to false dispatches, it is something that we can improve upon and...
Our Stale Web Site
Web sites become stale. It’s a fact of life. Keeping them relevant and compelling is the best way to keep people visiting. We plead guilty to not being quite as diligent as we could about posting new information, ideas and solutions that can help our industry do a...