During May and early June 2018, a survey was distributed to ESA, TMA and SIA members regarding SIAC. A total of 4,646 surveys were distributed. The recipients included 249 past and current SIAC contributors. Respondents were almost evenly divided among those who have contributed to SIAC (42) and those who have not contributed (40). With this response rate, the margin of error is high at +/-14% and 15% respectively, so the results will need to be viewed with that caveat. The following is an overview of the survey responses.
Among SIAC Contributors
- 76% agree or strongly agree that SIAC is critical to the industry
- 71% believe their donations have a great impact toward the SIAC mission
- 64% believe SIAC does a good job explaining how donations are spent and is a good steward of donations, while 19% disagree
- 57% believe SIAC does a good job recognizing donors and 21% disagree with that statement.
- Of all respondents who have contributed to SIAC, 70% have donated in the last 12 months and 60% plan to donate in the next 12 months, with 17% unsure if they will contribute.
- On questions regarding the SIAC mission there was very strong support for establishing positive working relationships with law enforcement (79%) and encouraging alarm/monitoring companies to adopt best practices (79%) as well as providing updated “model ordinances” to local public safety agencies (67%)
- SIAC received an incredibly high Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 68.57
Among Respondents Who Have Not Contributed to SIAC
- 70% believe that fining alarm companies for false alarms is a significant issue for the industry
- 58% are familiar with the purpose and mission of SIAC and 28% were not familiar.
- 50% believe that SIAC does a good job communicating its activities and mission to members of the associations, while 33% disagreed with that statement.
- 63% believe SIAC is effective at achieving model alarm reduction ordinances
- On the question of why members have not contributed to SIAC, members responded with the following:
- 28% don’t have the financial resources
- 45% don’t know enough (or anything) about SIAC
- 2% said SIAC mission doesn’t impact their business needs
- 3% don’t know what SIAC does
- 18% are satisfied with local ordinances and practices in their service area (and don’t believe anything will change).
Two areas from this survey stand out: The need for us here at SIAC to publicly recognize those who support us, and the need to communicate more with the security industry about our activities. You should see steps in the coming months through this blog and our social media activities that address both those issues.
SIAC is thankful for those who contribute every year. Yet, we don’t understand why so many who benefit from our program of managing alarm ordinances don’t contribute? We sell no services and have no other income – we are dependent on your voluntary support, so please take a moment to make a donation via our website or email stan@siacinc.org with an amount and we will promptly return a pledge invoice or contact you to facilitate a payment. Thank you!