We’ll be battening down the hatches over Christmas and New Year’s, so we wanted to close 2011 with a strong THANK YOU to all our contributors and sponsors. You are the reason we’re able to serve the electronic security industry so effectively year-in and year-out.

We know the last three years have been trying economically, and in those circumstances it’s always harder to raise funds for non-profit entities such as SIAC. Thankfully, we’ve been able to sustain our mission, find some newer avenues of support, and keep our message on improving alarm management practices at the forefront of issues in our industry. It hasn’t been easy, and we’re not where we were three years ago, but we’ve been able to focus on the core issues, minimize some of the areas where we put our resources, and still get the job done.

We hope you’ve seen the results. That’s part of the reason we put out this weekly blog – to keep you informed. We also Twitter at www.twitter/siacinc, so follow us there, too, if you aren’t already.

Recently, at the California Alarm Association (CAA) meeting, we received a $30,000 pledge from CAA thanks to a $15,000 matching donation from Bay Alarm. We want to give them a special thanks for publicly supporting our mission through their actions and donations. We’d also like to thank another recent pledge, this one from Tri-Ed Distribution, as they increased their donation 50%, from $10,000 to $15,000.

Have a safe holiday season, joyous Christmas, and our best wishes for you and your business over the new year. We’ll start blogging again January 9.