Like taxes and immigration, California continues to be a hotbed of activity when it comes to new notions on how local jurisdictions should respond to alarms. For better or worse, the state has issues that force each community into a tough financial environment. That frequently leads to the issue of limiting government resources, which includes those of the police department.

From there, debates range how to maintain the best police protection in a constrained resource environment. How best to respond to alarms becomes part of that discussion.

Jon Sargent, SIAC’s lead on the West Coast, has continuously kept the security industry in touch with law enforcement officials over the years, working closely with them to ensure our message of cooperation and enforcement is heard. Most recently, Jon has been working with 12 agencies, promoting the model ordinance.

In Chula Vista, Jon made a presentation to the Chula Vista City Council, and Verified Response (non-response) is now on hold while other alternatives are examined. This is critical because other cities are watching.

This happens throughout the country. It doesn’t matter what the issue is. If one city finds a workable solution, other cities may adopt that program. That’s why it’s so important that SIAC continues to meet with elected officials and law enforcement to DEMONSTRATE what has been accomplished across the nation through adoption of fines, fees and enforcement to lower unnecessary responses to alarm systems.

To make California a success model for all parties, we need to recognize the environment in which local communities must now operate, and tailor our approach within those parameters. The programs we advocate do that. We need the support of the security industry to continue our mission. Visit our Web site for more information at

What can you do? If you are a security dealer, you can help with financial support for SIAC. We also urge dealers to get involved locally – your involvement and familiarity with politicians in your community is an invaluable asset to help us do our job more effectively.

Improving alarm management effectiveness is a process. As California continues to be a hotbed of alarm activity, with your support, we can increase the efficiency of how alarm programs operate by sharing information and contributing to the public dialogue.