This past week at ESX, we recognized Leo Guthart with the William Moody Award, for exemplary service to the electronic security industry and his positive impact on alarm management issues. For a long time, Leo chaired SIAC’s Board of Directors. In that role, he made sure we stuck to our task, managed our budgets effectively and demonstrated results congruent with our mission. His nose to the grindstone kept our nose to the grindstone.

Leo Guthart

But Leo has been much more than that to both SIAC and our industry overall. He’s been a leader, setting the tone, digging tirelessly and with great insight into the big issues we face. I saw that repeatedly while Leo served as our chair.


His accomplishments in this industry predate even me, and I’ve known him for over 35 years. Anytime we have needed help, he stepped forward with his time and resources. During the RBOC fight, WHERE OUR VERY EXISTENCE AS AN INDUSTRY WAS THREATENED, Leo came to Washington D.C. and delivered an incredibly powerful message to members of Congress that resonated in the halls of the Capital for years. Thanks to Leo’s support, the industry was victorious, against all odds.


However, in my opinion, the true measure of a person’s character and love for this industry was displayed after Pittway was purchased by Honeywell. With his money in the bank, and a long list of successful endeavors, he could have easily departed to the beaches of Hawaii, but not Leo. He had recognized for a long time that alarm management and law enforcement relationships were critical to the long-term viability of our industry. He stepped forward again and offered his time and resources to help form SIAC in 2002 and then graciously agreed to chair the Board of Directors, with no pay, no perks, no glory, just the dedication to an industry he loves.


And he has been doing that same work for SIAC for 15 consecutive years! I can’t thank him enough. SIAC can’t thank him enough. Indeed, our industry can’t thank him enough. With the Moody Award, we are thanking Leo as best we can, recognizing that it’s difficult for our appreciation to match his accomplishments.


Stan Martin