The one percent rule applies to many situations regarding those who are involved and engaged in associations, leadership positions or volunteering. It applies to that one percent segment of people who choose to make a difference. They do this because they have a stronger desire to improve their business model or help the electronic security industry.

Associations are vital to our industry. We believe our mission here at SIAC is critical, but aren’t here to thump our chests. Instead, we encourage those of you reading this blog and working to make a difference to spread the word further about what the CSAA’s, ESA’s and SIA’s do to help our industry grow and prosper. They need that one percent, and it gets harder every year to find the people necessary to fill volunteer positions.

From licensing to interfacing with manufacturers and writing industry standards, the one percent is impacting how you do business every day. It isn’t unusual for many of us to think that the one percent making these decisions are all from the big companies. Of course they participate, but industry’s success on many fronts, including the improvement of alarm practices, requires wide involvement from individuals in companies of all sizes.

Small local companies are the lifeblood of the alarm industry. Whether you run your own show or work for a national company, embrace those practices that are best for the alarm users and law enforcement, even if you don’t necessarily think they are the best thing for your company. Of course these “Best Practices” include employing Enhanced Call Verification (ECV), using CP-01 listed control panels, using a soak period and effective end user training. You can find more information on these best practices by visiting