Frisco, Texas (March 5, 2020) – The North Carolina Association of Chiefs of Police (NCACP) honored SIAC’s (Security Industry Alarm Coalition) Glen Mowrey with their Outstanding Partnership Award. In addition to his role with SIAC, Mowrey is a retired Deputy Police Chief of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department. This award, presented at NCACP’s annual training conference, is awarded to those who assist the association and has a great impact on advancing the law enforcement industry.

“Glen has a keen interest in seeing his home state succeed,” said Bill Hollingsed, NCACP Executive Director. “Glen has chaired and coordinated the alarm committee and has helped implement alarm ordinances in cities and counties throughout North Carolina. But it’s not just here. Glen’s impact spreads nationwide with his ability to effectively help agencies reduce false dispatches. In essence, Glen adds manpower to departments by allowing them to spend time on other police matters.”

“This lifetime achievement awards comes from Glen’s tireless commitment to law enforcement in North Carolina and far beyond,” said Sarah Pozos, Executive Director of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Foundation. “Glen’s positive impact on our law enforcement officers and our communities is incredible.”

“Glen’s passion for our industry is recognized across the country,” said Stan Martin, Executive Director of SIAC. “We are thrilled Glen received this award from the NCACP. He truly is an outstanding partner to many in our industry. Being a former deputy police chief, Glen has the unique ability to effectively communicate with agencies and municipal elected officials about the benefits of our model alarm ordinance.”

About SIAC

SIAC represents one voice for the electronic security industry on alarm management issues –communicating solutions and enhancing relationships with law enforcement.  SIAC is comprised of four major North American security associations–Canadian Security Association (CANASA), Security Industry Association (SIA), Central Station Alarm Association (CSAA), and the Electronic Security Association (ESA). For more information, go to, or follow us on
