One of the staples when it comes to alarm ordinances is that even when it appears an issue has been resolved, it may rear its head again. It is something that requires our industry to be constantly vigilant.

Avondale, Arizona, is a classic example. We’ve been working hard for over a year to resolve response issues with the city, offering solutions, testifying, meeting with key elected officials and members of the police department. Verified response was an option, and then it appeared the city would begin fining alarm companies for fees incurred by their customers.

Once again, there appears to be a push for Verified Response in Avondale. Our staff, led by Jon Sargent, is following these actions and continuing to provide constructive input that benefits the electronic security industry. We do not know how this will turn out, but we’ll keep working for our industry, with law enforcement and elected officials to find solutions that work for all.

What we all should take away from these public policy actions is this: Stay involved. Build good relationships with police departments across the country, as well as elected officials. Monitor local laws raised by city and county councils, as well as state legislatures. Provide feedback in the proper forums.

We will continue to follow and engage on Avondale, and in other jurisdictions where our input is sought and needed. We won’t win them all, but we can’t get the right messages out unless we’re participating. We encourage alarm companies to step up, work with your local and state associations, and join with SIAC on these campaigns.