It isn’t necessarily in SIAC’s wheelhouse to provide advice on acquisitions in the security industry. But we’ll weigh in anyway, given the amount of chatter and activity recently in this area. Big names are getting venture capital to expand and possibly purchase another company (or be bought themselves). Mid-sized companies are buying additional business and moving into new markets. The cable companies are eyeing our market for a purchase or other ways to enter the security industry.

Operating a good security business means you MUST have a good alarm management program. It’s that simple. If you are in the market to expand by buying someone with a regional footprint to take your business across state borders, then you absolutely should be looking at what that company does in terms of its alarm management program.

It’s not just about cutting down on nuisance alarms. How well a company attacks this problem says a lot about its culture and the way it does business. When you look for a new partner, you should look for those businesses that manage alarms effectively, consistently and proactively. That demonstrates results for the bottom line, and indicates they do business the right way.

Potential customers seek out companies that demonstrate forward-thinking practices like those designed to reduce alarm activations. So, if you’re in the market to buy another company or merge, look no further than their alarm factor. Ask about their programs designed to reduce unnecessary alarms. See if they’ve won any awards for high quality alarm management programs. Each of these will tell you a lot about the company and their commitment to the future of our industry.