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Alarm Dealers

While you focus on building your business and protecting the community, the Security Industry Alarm Coalition (SIAC) is working to help municipalities across the country create effective and fair alarm ordinances that can dramatically reduce alarm dispatches while maintaining police response.
SIAC’s professional staff works directly with law enforcement at the local, state, and national level. The Model Alarm Ordinance, promoted by SIAC, was created in partnership with the International Association of Chiefs of Police and the National Sheriffs’ Association.
SIAC’s team of professionals, including alarm industry veterans and former police chiefs, track alarm management issues nationwide and proven evidence-based solutions to alarm issues. SIAC’s services are supported by the electronic security industry and are provided at no cost to local law enforcement agencies.
Approximately 30% of the communities that have an ordinance in place throughout the U.S. utilize some form of the Model Alarm Ordinance.
“Having a national organization like SIAC available to help anywhere in the United States is an invaluable alarm management tool for our industry.”
– Ralph Sevinor President Wayne Alarm Systems, Inc., Lynn, Massachusetts
“Without SIAC’s input and resources, we would not have had the information we needed to have our local onerous legislation withdrawn.”
– Andy Lowitt, Vice President, Lowitt Alarms, Hicksville, NY; Member CSAA.
“Without SIAC’s presence in California, many more communities would face police policies of non-response to alarms.”
– Matt Westphal, Co-President, Bay Alarm Company; President, California Alarm Association