Are you an ESA member? If so, SIAC would like to give your association an update on law enforcement activities relative to our industry to you free of charge. Stan Martin will do the honors for us.
It has always been our desire to work with all the state chapters of ESA to give them updates on our activities and any alarm ordinances being considered locally. But, given our limited budget, we haven’t been able to attend local meetings as much as we’d like.
However, our industry has Pat Egan to thank for a new program, helping us finance these presentations to ESA member states. Pat has been a long-time supporter of SIAC and leader in the electronic security industry. He understands the importance of law enforcement relationships and need in communicating to all members on this critical topic. We appreciate his support, vision and insights.
If your ESA chapter is interested in bringing Stan in, please get in touch with him directly at Pat will cover the air fare and we would appreciate the chapter covering one night in a hotel. This helps SIAC conserve our funds, while continuing to spread the word on improving alarm management standards. We only ask the ESA chapter to allocate 15-20 minutes during a membership lunch/dinner or annual meeting for an update. We are limited to one venue per month so it’s important to make your request as soon as possible to secure the date desired.
Our thanks to Pat Egan/Select Security for stepping forward in this. Creative ways to help us sustain our work by communicating more effectively are always appreciated.