The California Alarm Association (CAA) winter convention is coming up in early December. Look for networking, educational sessions, panel discussions and special events to help your electronic security business. SIAC does.
Over the years, we’ve found the two annual CAA conventions invaluable. California is a big state and often on the edge of trends affecting industry, including ours. That means innovative solutions are presented on issues, including alarm management.
You’ll find many industry leaders, not just from California, in attendance. They see the extra value of staying in touch with programs and issues that cross state boundaries.
Bob Michel has been selected as the 2019 CAA George A. Weinstock award recipient and will be honored Friday night, December 7 at a tribute dinner at the Fairmont Hotel. To register, contact CAA here or call 800.437.7658. The event runs December 4-7 at the Fairmont in San Francisco.