Many individuals and companies in the electronic security industry are familiar with SIAC. At the same time, many are not. This can be puzzling.
We reach out in multiple ways to share our message and the positive activities regarding alarm management that we undertake for the industry. When leaders, owners, managers here about our mission and accomplishments, they are typically supportive of SIAC’s efforts.

So, why are there still a significant number of companies unaware of what SIAC does? To a certain extent, we believe it comes down to exposure: Have these companies been exposed to the work SIAC does? Probably not. That’s our educated guess.
One area where we salute Wayne Alarm in addressing this issue of “hearing SIAC’s voice” is how they’ve shared our blog with their team. Each blog (typically we publish two a month) is now directly emailed to each of their employees. Through our data, we see that they are opening and reading what we write on a significant basis.
The question becomes, “How do we get more companies like Wayne Alarm sharing their email databases so we can directly send them our blog?” We invite each of you to help us out on this issue. We pledge not to share your email database with others. But we would appreciate you sending us a list of email addresses so that we can directly and regularly send them our blog, which addresses important security industry issues.
That will help your team become better informed on alarm management issues (and other critical industry-related activities), and extra effective in their jobs as they increase their knowledge base on what’s happening in the industry around the country. This helps your bottom line, and let’s us share our voice with others.
Please reach Stan Martin directly at if you would like to provide us this information, or to speak with him about any concerns you might have.