ISC East is open for registration. If you read this blog with any degree of regularity, then you’ve got a direct link to the security industry. That means you should consider attending ISC East this November in New York City. The dates are November 16-17.


Are you researching products for a new installation? Are you seeking new end-user clients? Are you looking to get educated on the newest technologies in the industry? If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, then ISC West is a good choice for your Fall conference.


Security dealers and installers, whether commercial or residential, will find training sessions to fit their needs. On the convention floor, you’ll find distributors and manufacturers displaying tools/supplies, wire/cable, video surveillance technology and more.


SIAC encourages you to attend. Yes, there are many conferences and conventions that cover the electronic security industry, and no company has a limitless budget. You must pick and choose wisely.  If the location is convenient to you, and your business is ready for some invigorating ideas, ISC East is a good choice.
We believe conferences like ISC East are also excellent venues to pick up new business ideas, network, and extend your client base. Put the programs to good use when you get back to your daily routine, and you’ll find your financial investment paying dividends.