At the California Alarm Association meeting in San Francisco during December, a callout by Kirk MacDowell of MacGuard netted $9,100 in SIAC contributions. Kirk’s idea was to put forward a personal pledge of $1,500, as a 10 percent match up to the $15,000 goal in contributions from others. While his goal from other security industry contributions wasn’t met, it was a tremendous success! Kirk still followed through with the $1,500. SIAC thanks Kirk for the unique idea, his contribution, and his effort in invigorating others to think about how donations can be raised.

Every pledge was paid immediately by credit card on the spot so funds were available with no collection effort. The event created a high degree of awareness and lots of energy around our cause.  Our thanks to CAA President Chuck Petruska for allowing us the time AND stepping up by offering his credit card in front of the group making the first donation!


Fundraising is never easy for any business, organization or individual. SIAC, like other non-profit entities, exists because others believe our mission is worthwhile – educating on alarm management issues, and improving alarm management practices across the U.S. and Canada. EVERY YEAR we have to look at our sources, explain what we’ve done in the last year and what we plan to do in the upcoming year to warrant their continued commitment to our (and the security industry’s) cause. Anyone considering contributing to SIAC asks the fundamental question, “What do they do for my bottom line? What do they do for the industry?”

Those are important questions and ones we believe we answer regularly, honestly and with many good reasons to demonstrate why a donation is important. We work avidly to retain law enforcement as first responders to alarms, which is central to the expectation of consumers who choose a security system. Every year, we fight multiple battles, consistently winning, to maintain response and ensure that security companies are not charged for fines. Do we lose sometimes? Yes, but the number of communities where alarm response is farmed out can be counted on a little more than two hands.

If you follow us, and have committed in the past, thank you, and we look forward to your help in 2019. Our cause does not go away. If you are new to SIAC and want to contribute, please click here for a donation. Stan Martin is always available to answer your questions and send literature. Email Stan at, for a direct response.