Every two weeks, SIAC puts together an activity report. It details meetings with law enforcement, ordinances we’ve written and presentations made to alarm associations, among many other ongoing projects. Browsing the most recent report is telling.

What stands out is the breadth of where SIAC’s staff engages to help companies in the electronic security industry and the associations that represent our industry. We are asked frequently to attend meetings and use our experience to contribute language that improves local alarm ordinances.  Those requests and our involvement occur across North America.


Looking at the most recent report, you find Steve Keefer working in Arizona, Colorado and Nevada. We see Jon Sargent handling details in Calgary, Edmonton and Quebec City in Canada, as well as Aspen, CO and East St. Louis, IL.  We cover jurisdictions large and small for you, across both Canada and the U.S. Glen Mowrey travels to meet police chiefs across the eastern seaboard and upper Midwest. Tom Sweeney attends key police association meetings throughout the northeast.

Our attendance and participation in these meeting serve our contributors as we use our knowledge, experience and connections to smooth out divisive issues. We contribute ideas and information that help the security industry’s business models, and local jurisdictions better handle alarm management issues.

By capturing our activities every two weeks, we get a clear picture of how we’re helping you and where the trouble spots are. SIAC then identifies what are the next best steps to ensure the most effective alarm response policies are implemented locally. Our report helps us prioritize. It also ensures we’re doing our job. We know that’s important so our supporters see the continual value we provide.