After months of hard work, our law enforcement DVD is ready. What’s it about? In short, it’s a testimonial to how we work with police officers and sheriffs across North America to find better alarm management solutions. We were and are fortunate to receive endorsements for our efforts from many high level law enforcement officials.

Currently, we have a demo Web site for viewing. Go to File copies/DVD’s will be ready shortly. Let other folks know this resource is now available.

The video includes testimonials from officers, and demonstrates progress being made in reducing unnecessary calls for police dispatch from alarms in cities across North America. We’re pleased with the support we received in putting it together, particularly the enthusiastic volunteering of law enforcement officials to speak out about the good work SIAC does on the alarm management front. We’re humbled by their kind words, but we also want others to know how we can help other communities improve alarm management practices: Hence the video.

We can’t say enough about the Alarm Industry Research and Education Foundation (AIREF), which funded the work on the video. AIREF steps up to the plate repeatedly to help finance important projects in the alarm industry, and we thank them again for their leadership and diligence in helping our industry continue to improve how it operates.

The AIREF golf tournament annually in Las Vegas at ISC West is the venue where funds are raised to support AIREF. We can’t say enough about all the companies that contribute sponsorships to make the tournament a success as a MAJOR fundraising venue. We thank them, and hope they continue these important contributions in the years ahead.

Watch the video now. Contact us for your own copy, and bring it to show to your next association meeting. When you visit your local police department, set aside time to show it to the officers in attendance. It’s a great tool to build bridges and create greater buy-in between the security industry and law enforcement. We can use that.