It’s easy to get bogged down with work so extra details don’t always get the attention they deserve.  When it comes to developing strong security industry standards, that’s where the Security Industry Association ( comes in.  They look at areas where our industry needs help.  Then they establish the necessary group to work on a specific standard, invite key members to participate, and keep the process moving so positive revisions are developed and implemented.

We strongly support SIA’s work.  SIA makes our industry better on a fundamental level.  We are also extremely pleased that they help SIAC out as one of our key contributors.

mobile device

Just recently, SIA announced its Standards Program will be undertaking a revision of the MSD-01 Mobile Security Devices Standard – Monitoring Practices for False Dispatch Prevention document.

SIA issued an informal Call for Interest to stand up and populate the working group that will work on the standard.  They have secured the support of a number of interested law enforcement liaisons that could help with the revision, and the support of interested industry experts will ensure an updated standard that benefits both industry and its key stakeholders.

The revision efforts will begin in Q1 2016. If you or your organization is interested in participating, please send an email to Joe Gittens at  SIAC encourages you to contact Joe in support of this effort.  The more engagement we get on these types of issues, the stronger our industry becomes.