San Jose, CA released its verified response (VR) policy at the end of last year. While it’s better from our perspective that a city never adopt VR in the first place, it’s situations where a policy is implemented, then repealed, that often reveals the extra work necessary to inform a community and work with them to explain with VR isn’t the best path.


That’s where SIAC steps in around the U.S. Proactively preventing VR is better. But if it is put in place, we get the call from the local association or alarm companies, asking for assistance, “What can you do to help us?” And we swing into action.
san jose
That action has produced results year after year, in many states around the country. Here’s a list of other cities on the list:

Major reversals – now responding to alarms:


  1. South Salt Lake City, UT
  2. Summit, CO
  3. Dallas, TX
  4. Madison, WI
  5. Cathedral City, CA
  6. Washoe County, NV
  7. Indio CA
  8. Henderson, NV
  9. Chico CA
  10. West Valley, UT
  11. San Jose, CA

Some of these reversals happened quickly. Some took a lot of time and resources. The important point to remember is that through a security industry commitment, we were able to work together to inform local leadership on the political and law enforcement side, and come to a reasoned solution that benefits everyone.

That’s what it’s all about folks. We’re proud at SIAC to work effectively with law enforcement and the security industry to improve the safety of communities across the U.S.