You probably remember the hat. You remember his seasoned advice, his wide smile. If you’ve been in the electronic security business for any lengthy period of time, you remember Cecil Hogan.

We certainly do here at SIAC. We remember a man committed to our industry, working for years to help ESA with its many challenges. Always helpful, Cecil would lend his ear and give you an earful of his down-home advice. It might have been unconventional, but it was always worth hearing.

Cecil Hogan – ESA Past President

We are sad to hear of his recent passing. Others will write about his accomplishments in the electronic security industry, way back to the years where we called ourselves “alarm businesses.” The length of years spanning his accomplishments and involvement says a lot about how much he cared. And his caring captures the spirit of Cecil.

Central to SIAC’s mission and throughout the security field, Cecil was committed to reestablishing a strong working relationship between SIA, CSAA (currently The Monitoring Association) and ESA. Knitting those organizations into a tighter relationship helped pave the way for their support that has helped SIAC throughout the years. We thank him for all his help over his many years of service.

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