The electronic security industry’s development and growth depends on many behind-the-scenes individuals who sacrifice for the good of the whole. Dale and Paula Eller are two prime examples of this. They’ve participated in our industry for over 20 years, and been involved at the state and national level supporting association work.

Dale’s stints as Executive Director of the New York State Electronic Security Association, Pennsylvania Burglar and Fire Alarm Association and ESA of Ohio are ongoing, with his stint at PBFAA going back to 1999. Paula joined with Dale to support his work, including ITZ Solutions enterprise, a firm to provide management, training and consulting services to the non-profit community.

dale eller

If you attend ESX, ISC East or West, or an industry event in Ohio, Pennsylvania or New  York, you will find Dale and Paula there, sharing information, organizing programs for the good of security companies and furthering the causes that mean so much to our industry’s success. They don’t look for accolades. They get the job done, working without fanfare so security companies continue prospering.


But let’s hear Jeffrey Zwirm, a Burger, Fire and Security Alarm Expert, tell it in his own words:


“For decades Dale has been instrumental in using his expertise and unmatched efforts to provide advanced management, guidance, and training to the technical community of the alarm industry across the country. In conjunction with this focus is Dale’s expert and successful management of alarm associations were in total thousands of their members have benefited from Dale’s leadership and experience. Dale has also been recognized by the industry in being the recipient of numerous industry awards for his leadership, teaching and in receiving the executive director of the year award. Dale’s dedication and professionalism is a beacon for all to follow.”


Dale has served on many committees at ESA, heavily involved in training. He consistently works with SIAC, looking for opportunities to include us in luncheons, seminars, booths at conventions, promoting SIAC in publications and continually reminding the respective boards of our importance and suggesting methods for funding. We appreciate all that he does for SIAC and our industry.


If that were not enough, Dale and Paula personally donate their own money to help fund SIAC operations.  We owe a debt of gratitude to these two tireless workers who support SIAC and the endeavors of our industry!  We salute them. Next time you see Dale and Paula, please share your thanks for their ongoing efforts.