SIAC sends its thanks to all our weekly faithful readers of this blog. When we are out and about at alarm management industry functions, people come up to us and let us know they appreciate the issues we raise in this forum. Most recently, several members from the electronic security industry came up and stated their appreciation during the Leadership Summit in January, held in Las Colinas, TX.
We work hard to come up with subjects that create opportunity and deliver meaning to companies and the leadership from our industry regarding improved alarm management practices and how to work effectively with law enforcement. When we receive positive feedback, we know we’re running on the all cylinders.
We also recognize there’s more out there for us to cover. To do a better job, we need to hear from you, so please comment when you want us to address a specific issue. You can submit comments through the blog or go to our Web site,, or follow us at www.twitter/siacinc.
To improve, we need to constantly examine our approach, and be willing to adopt. When it comes to our blog, one of the major areas where you can help us cover the things that our industry wants and expects is by giving us ideas for new subject matter, particularly on new ways to improve alarm management practices and relations with law enforcement. So, please, send us your two cents. We’re listening.